Nyan was inspired by Nyan Cat since she was a kid. Her wardrobe and room are themed after it. Cup-O-Nyan is a wordplay on Cup-O-Noodle, Nyan loves making tea, coffee, hot cocoa, and more in her tea Kittle that she made herself in Ceramics.
After creating Nyan Cat themed outfits, Nyan gained an interest in creating cosplay for her OCs. It started with just their clothes, accessories, ears, and tails; but then Nyan learned how to create full fursuits for each one.
Nyan also created plushies of each OCs that she always keeps nearby when she is working. Eventually extending her crafts to her boyfriend's OCs as well. With her overactive imagination, she brings her characters to life and shares her work online. Nyan has a passion for all and any art form and never afraid to try new techniques each day. She works hard to improve herself and her art.